
TubeMogul Video Embed Code vs Standard Embed Code

Further to my previous post on free video hosting sites, I was asked if the varied results had something to do with the way TubeMogul submitted your video to the different video hosting sites. From what I can tell, TubeMogul sends your video in it’s original format unless some conversion is needed by the receiving site. Here is a chart showing accepted video formats listed by site.

This from TubeMogul’s site:

We accept files up to 500MB, but recommend staying under 100MB. Each video sharing site sets its own limits, but many require you to stay under 100 MB. To prevent any quality loss, we only transcode when required to match different sites’ size and formatting requirements.

Obviously TubeMogul in most cases is not submitting your video any differently to what you would yourself, so I thought it may pay to compare TubeMogul’s embedding code to the default embedding code taken directly from each site. Keep in mind you can modify the embedding code at some of these sites to change the video size and other options. Remember this video was uploaded to TubeMogul directly then distributed to the other sites.

Also, this time I have left the complete embed code intact, as you can see Dailymotion and Veoh add some text at the bottom of your video via TubeMogul while, Yahoo! and Metacafe add text via the code on their site.

An interesting note, Blip’s embed code actually displays the video in full size!

So here goes…

YouTube (using TubeMogul code)

YouTube (using YouTube code)

Yahoo! (using TubeMogul code)

Yahoo! (using Yahoo! code)

D90 video mode test – Horse @ Yahoo!7 Video

Metacafe (using TubeMogul code)

Metacafe (using Metacafe code)
D90 Video Mode Test – HorseThe funniest videos are a click away

Google (using TubeMogul code)

Google (using Google code)
Dailymotion (using TubeMogul code)

Dailymotion (using Dailymotion code)

D90 video mode test – Horse
Uploaded by jaxxon33

Blip (using TubeMogul code)

Blip (using Blip code) Veoh (using TubeMogul code)

Veoh (using Veoh code)
Watch D90 video mode test – Horse in Anime  |  View More Free Videos Online at


6 replies on “TubeMogul Video Embed Code vs Standard Embed Code”

Thanks Paul! From what I see YouTube and Yahoo code have better thumbnails than TubeMogul code, and the others are little different either way, except Blip!
For TubeMogul, do you think uploading mp4, with highest bitrate for under 100MB files, is the best formula to reduce the chance of re-encoding by the hosting sites?
Preventing letterboxing might be out of our control.
P.S. Have you tried ? (5 cents per upload)

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